ceramic links

Friday, February 10, 2012

C+S2 | Architectural Structure [raku firing]

objective: Create a 16" architecturally [materials, spaces, ideas] inspired vessel using slab or coil with raku clay.
what is a RAKU FIRING?
Raku is an ancient Japanese pottery firing technique whereas you glaze pottery, fire it in a kiln for about a half hour, remove the pieces with tongs while they are extremely hot, drop it in a garbage can full of combustible materials, smother the flames with the lid, and lastly quench the works in water for an iridescent finish… if it is still in one piece. If that peaks your interest, you can read more about raku firing, or watch a demo.

artist & architect references: Frank Gehry, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies Van Der Rohe, Bauhaus, Prairie Style, Art Deco, Art Nouvou, Chicago Skyline, Louis Sullivan | view architectural vessel lessonslideshow, + raku firing video


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